It's Easy Button of precision tamping 

Andrew Pernicano
<Weber Workshops> Director of Customer Experience

 Tamping is super easy and actually quite satisfying due to the damping. You don't have to lean into it like a normal tamper. I can tamp with my fingers.”​ “Definitely top-notch ergonomics. 

Brian Quan
Brian Quan - YouTube

 I made two back-to-back shots on ​HAPPY TAMPER. ​ First shot, 25g in 25 seconds. ​ Second shot, 25.3g in 25 seconds. ​ That is INCREDIBLE repeatability. ​ I have never had anything like that with other tampers." "I recommend the HAPPY TAMPER to everyone who comes by for a shot. 

Ray Daniel Brown III

 All our baristas mentioned consistent pressure and assistance in their workflow.”​ “Our customers are curious about this tamper we use.”​ “We will definitely order for our other stores. 

Barry Armstrong